Japanese Word of the Day

Thursday, September 15, 2011


  Pic from left to right: dr.Hayato, Ba.Takafumi, Gt.Shuhei, Vox.Keita, and Vox Ryu
 Last Single was Gravy Sauce 5/25/2011
MoNoLith is a 仙台|Sendai related visual-kei indies band, which formed in 2006. They celebrate their anniversary on 20th of June, the day on which they had their first live at 仙台MACANA.

Their music has an unique style which gets an even more interesting touch due to the twin-vocals. They were signed with the Loop Ash label for about a year, but changed back to Emotional Works Studio in August 2009.

The members are:
Vo.: 柳 (Ryū)
Vo.: ケイタ (Keita)
Gu.: シューヘイ (Shūhei)
Ba.: たかふみ (Takafumi)

more information: OHP

2006.06.20 ガルシア (live distr.)
2006.08.15 杜都新勢 (V.A.)
2006.11.24 デザートシアター
2007.08.20 Diviner of Daybreak
2008.01.11 Nostalgia (live distr.)
2008.03.01 四面楚歌 (V.A.)
2008.08.07 Heart goes on… (会場限定Single)
2008.08.07 IN THE HURT (会場限定Single)
2008.10.22 JUDGMENT #4 (V.A.)
2008.11.05 グローリア
2008.12.03 ANSWER
2009.04.22 グローリア/ANSWER
2009.10.07 innocent【PLAY】er 》》Fast:Forward
2009.10.08 innocent【PLAY】er 《《Re:Wind (会場限定Single)
2010.02.17 さえずり
2010.03.31 fiction
2010.07.28 Postscript
2010.08.10 MVP48 (V.A.)
2010.11.14 [more] brilliant , [more] deep (会場限定Single)
2011.03.02 3月2日、桜色。
2011.04.06 白夜 (Byakuya)
2011.05.11 Gravy Sauce
2011.10.19 BRAZEN
2011.10.19 fiction & non-fiction
*information is from Last.fm


Latest single pv was α (the video above) as of  8/17/2011it comes in 3 types

Royz is a band from Osaka that held its first live in 2009/09/28. Two days earlier, they formed as a four member band, but on 2010/02/14 Kuina joined.

Vo.昴-SUBARU-(Ex.support member 碧 of -DaspieR- → Royz (as すばる then 昴))
Gu.杙凪-KUINA-(Ex. Celestial Garden
Gu.和稀-KAZUKI-(Ex. Lucifer)
Ba. 公大-KOUDAI-(Ex. Lucia → THE CRIME (as 茜))
Dr.智也-TOMOYA-(Ex. Berry → Lucifer → Re☆MaZeL (as ルナ) → Royz (as ともや then 智也))


2009/09/28 - 星に願いを(First Live Limited Demo CD)
2010/XX/XX - No Fate(Live Recorded CD-R)
2010/04/29 - 春ノ夜ノ夢-恋花火(Single)
2010/10/06 - 「AREA」(Single)
2011/01/14 - マーブルパレット(Live Sold Only Limited One-Coin Single)
2011/02/14 - トウメイナユキ(Live Sold Only Limited One-Coin Single)
2011/04/06 - eve:r(Single)
2011/08/17 - α(Single)
2011/11/30 - Яevolution to New AGE(Album)

*All information comes from last.fm
* to preorder Revolution to the new age check out (Cdjpan or yesasia)

Time to Style

Every Fan of Visual kei will look For Clothes, Contacts, shoes, Ect. Well here area few sites for that:
1.) E-bay just type in Visual kei and you will get a lot of items pop up.
2.)Punk stars They ship very, very VERY SLOW, but there clothes are the shiz and worth the wait. They are also pricy remember they can harm your wallet but WTH you will look cool.
3.)Visual-you Fast shippers,they are okay price wise, but forme there dont have a lot of clothing options. (they have recently added to there items thou.) so best thing to do is check them out and then see what you may want to possess.
1)Honey color I have yet to buy from them personally but once i do i will gladly tell you how there products are. They seem to have some of everything so it will not hurt to just look around at it. :)

For now this is all the sight that i go to and like, add more if you can think about some. I love to have diffrent places to shop :3

Buying Music

   After a while the music bug will hit you, I myself have been bitten buy it. The two sites i use that are very trust worthy are YesAsia , and CdJapan. For the most part I buy everything from YesAsia due to the fact that they are cheaper and orders over $35 have free shipping (Trust me its very easy to go over $35.) With Cd Japan you always pay for shipping, I promise you that there shipping price can take part of your soul. On the Plus side they will Give you a poster or a signed autograph from your favorite artist if they have a promotion going on.
Before buying any CD check both sites and compare prices, You might get a nice gift from one site, that you cannot get with another.

About the site.

For the most part this site will be filled with Japanese Rock information, when I find out about new singles for bands within interest I will proudly post it.  If possible a download link will be provided  to some of the Japanese artist music. When downloading please remember that it is only for a Limited time and that in the end you should always support the artist buy purchasing their goods.
Thank you,